We offer to provide letting services to clients. Our services are in respect of managing a property let by a client to a tenant and include viewings; preparing lease documentation; collecting a deposit; collecting payments of rent; periodic inspections; instructing maintenance or repairs; carrying out an inspection at end of tenancy and advising on relevant legislation. We will charge a registration fee of £175 and a fee based on a percentage of the rent to be charged on the property. The percentage charged will vary between 10% and 15.5% depending on the circumstances. We may charge additional fees for preparing an inventory at £45, and serving notices to quit at the end of a tenancy from £200. VAT will be applied to the above at 20%.
In addition to our fees, there will be outlays to be paid such as marketing costs, obtaining a reference from Let Alliance, obtaining an Energy Performance certificate, obtaining a gas safety or electrical certificate or obtaining a Legionella Risk Assessment. Landlords are required to be registered and there will be a fee for registration. Those outlays vary depending on circumstances and it is not possible to list amounts here. There may be other outlays to be met.