There may be cases where either we do not offer advice and assistance legal aid or you do not qualify for that type of legal aid but we apply on your behalf for civil legal aid to meet the fees and outlays of a Court action. There can be a considerable amount of work involved in applying for civil legal aid including the initial meeting with you, obtaining and preparing precognitions, completing the form and submitting that form to SLAB. We shall charge a minimum of £480 to include VAT for that work. Again, there may be cases where more work is involved and we may elect to charge a higher fixed fee or charge at our hourly rate. As an example, we do not routinely offer Advice and Assistance legal aid in Guardianship applications. In those cases, we will charge £480 to include VAT up until the point that legal aid is granted.
We offer legal aid for some of the work that we do. Our fee for legal aid work is set by the Scottish Government through the Scottish Legal Aid Board. Legal aid is not always free and there may be circumstances where you have to pay a contribution or pay your fees and outlays at the conclusion of the case. It is not practicable to detail all the different possibilities here. SLAB have information for the public on their website