Divorce & Separation Lawyers in Fife
If you are separating from your spouse there will be lots of issues to consider and deal with at a stressful and emotional time. At Innes Johnston we have been advising on relationship breakdowns for many years. We will give you sound advice in a straightforward and sympathetic manner.
We recommend that you try to sort out issues relating to children and all your financial disputes before raising a divorce, if possible. If you are able to do this, the divorce can then proceed without you having to appear in court. Once issues relating to children and financial matters are sorted out or if you are unable to agree and need to resolve these issues in court, Innes Johnston will be able to deal with the divorce for you.
If you are able to reach an agreement on the arrangements for your children and/ or financial matters, the agreement can be set out in a formal written agreement known as a Separation Agreement.
Who to Contact for Divorce and Separation at Innes Johnston:
Ann Oliver in our Kirkcaldy office
Jemma Forbes in our Glenrothes office
Mark Alder in our Leven office