Legal Aid
The Scottish Legal Aid Board administers provision of legal aid funding for solicitors in Scotland. Innes Johnston provide to are registered civil legal assistance which means that we can provide Civil Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance in civil matters to clients who qualify for legal aid on a financial basis and where it is also appropriate and reasonable that legal aid be made available. There are complicated rules concerning eligibility for legal aid and also rules regarding the administration of the system which may mean, even if you do qualify for legal aid from the Scottish Legal Aid Board, legal aid services may not be offered by Innes Johnston.
If you would like to know whether you will be eligible we will discuss this with you and if appropriate, apply for legal aid on your behalf. Legal aid is not always free and you have a contribution to pay depending on your resources. You may also need to pay all or part of your legal fees if you recover or preserve money or property as a result of the work which we undertake on your behalf.